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Showing posts from November, 2019

Pills Energy  a lot of beta carotene which in your body is converted into vitamin A This protects you against UV radiation and skin aging In the supermarket you can buy bags of grated carrots but ordinary carrots or carrots is also great Take two large carrots or one -gram bag as a snack Dip them in hummus or sugar-free nut paste for some extra healthy fats and taste 💡 grams of carbohydrates Sources of carbohydrates per food NEVO table The NEVO table is used by doctors and dietitians in the Netherlands This table is published by the RIVM and contains scientific information about the nutritional value of food Nutrition Data Extensive international database of different foods and their nutritional value Used in the case of the lack of a product in the NEVO table Pay attention These low-carbohydrate snacks make you fat Low-carb food is such a successful way to quickly lose weight without being hungry that  Pills Energy    are responding smartly There are many low-ca...